Teresa Johnson

“Open my eyes that I may see, oh the beauty that surrounds you and me!” An artist looks at the world differently, viewing the world in lines, shapes, value, colors, textures and edges, finding even the most mundane surroundings interesting, beautiful and full of character waiting to be painted. Artist Teresa Lynn Johnson revels in the inspiration she absorbs from her surroundings. Each of her paintings is a unique window viewing the private life of nature and animals. “ My love of nature, animals and the way light falls on many subjects showers me with inspiration daily.”

Johnson grew up in Coleman, Texas, on a four hundred acre farm. The farm with its bordering creek and many wild pecan trees was a haven for wildlife such as turkey, deer, and rabbits and of course farm animals such as cows, horses, cats and dogs. Her life on the farm developed her love of nature and animals. She also spent her summers in Northern New Mexico, camping, fishing and hiking, which further developed her love of nature and wildlife. Johnson, always loving a challenge, applied for and was selected as one of twelve artists for a one year mentorship, with artist, Kevin Macpherson in his 2012 AMO Pro*D*J Program. She completed the extensive program, giving her added skills and knowledge to apply to her work." Kevin was a wonderful mentor, giving me the knowledge, tools and optimism to purse my journey of becoming a professional artist."  She has also taken workshops with Matt Smith , Kathleen Dunphy, Jay Moore, and has taken online classes with the Tucson Art Academy, and the CGMA (Computer Graphics Master Academy).  "I love learning and strive to always move to the next level in my painting process."  She continues improving her skills with workshops and seminars.  “Always I am learning and pursuing excellence."  She is a member OPA- Oil Painters of America -Associate member,  PAPNM - Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, Four Corners Art Association and Plien Air Painters of the Four Corners.

Johnson's passion is painting, but she also plays piano, guitar and is the music leader for a small church.  Aside from art and music, she loves spending time with family, reading, hiking with her dogs, bike riding and exploring mountain roads. Currently Johnson lives and creates art in the Four Corners Region of New Mexico. Her mission: " To be an instrument sharing my knowledge, skills and gifts to help enrich other's lives."

www.teresalynnjohnson.com / teresa@teresalynnjohnson.com


Julane Jensen


Barbara Tobin Klema