Deborah Doty

I paint primarily landscapes on location, which is also known as en plein air (in the open air). I have spent many years practicing and honing my skills. When I moved to Colorado 31 years ago from Arkansas, the diverse landscape had an immediate and humbling impact on me. In some sense you might call me a local painter. Although I have painted all over the western US and abroad, the 4 Corners has captivated my heart.

Painting directly from nature is what inspires my work. To “catch the day” in paint has been my goal. I also have a studio, in which I paint a larger studio piece from a plein air study. In the winter months I enjoy painting still-life subjects and studio landscapes.

I have exhibited my work in galleries, museums and universities in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Texas. I am an active signature member of the Plein Air Painters of the 4 Corners. My work currently can be viewed at the gallery in the Absolute Bakery and Café, and my studio/gallery, both in Mancos, Colorado. If you are interested in seeing more of my paintings, my web site is I also teach painting classes. Please contact me at or call 970-394-0020. I would be happy to chat. /


Sue Doss


Mar Evers